miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

My New Computer 1

WARNING this is just a log, nothing structured or pre-thought...    

YEAH! So, yesterday I finally got enough money for a laptop, which in this case was an incredible 550$. I love it so far, problems with it are that it speaks to me in Spanish (which isn't too bad) and really, I don't have much to judge upon, It doesn't bring any programs with it (except Edge) so not much to say in that area. The sound is great, it runs smoothly, It is light, and most of all, It lives up to my expectations. Unfortunately, to use Word and other such programs I have to buy it. So we'll see how that goes. I have been informed of OpenOffice, that'll do. I have to update my computer, register it, get all the apps I need and so on. Today I will go to La Colmena (a place where a lot of my friends live... and where there is wifi). If anyone has a suggestion for stuff I need please suggest.

End Log

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