martes, 2 de agosto de 2016


   Four days ago I went camping with my best friend (Fintan) and my Grandfather (Jim). We went to a place called Green River Reservoir, we canoed to our campsite, set up my camps and ate. The next day Fintan and I went exploring and found that there was a little island called Picnic Isle and that we had camped right next to THE BEST CAMPING SPOT EVER! Of course it was taken. So we went kayaking/canoeing to the isle and hung out there for a while. We ate ALOT of sugar, I had 5 S'mores and 13 Oreos, we ate Ramen, Soup, pancakes and lots of other camping foods. We played games alot but when we asked Jim if he wanted to play camouflage in the woods he said....


   So 2 days went by, carving sticks, making S'mores, eating Oreos, drawing, etc.. And then eventually on the 3rd day a group of kids (11-12) came by and one yelled: "Everyone who hears this give up your dreams!". Fintan promptly yelled: "My dream was to put on my sunglasses!" and put them on. I then yelled "My dream was to grab a cup with a stick!" (Earlier that day I dropped a cup in the water and got it out with a stick). The exchange went on for some time.

   On the last day we packed up and swam at the good campsite (which was empty) then we canoed back, and I almost got lost In my kayak but Jim showed me the way. We left, ate sandwiches, and went home...

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1 comentario:

Thanks for the comment! Really helps :)