domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

I'm Raven, video game designer, gamer, artist, musician, writer, and a kid with 2 nationalities. I have  friends in Honduras, the USA, Norway, Holland, etc. Most are also gamers or artists, some are in the Honduran Resistance (I'll tell you more about that later). I play lots of video games (Minecraft, Halo, Call of Duty, Left for Dead, God of War, and even Machinarium). I have funny, adventurous, weird, creepy, and/or sad adventures. I live in Honduras, one of the most dangerous places on earth, and in the USA where people watch dangerous thing on TV. I hope you read more of my blog and enjoy.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola Raven, parece ser que solo es posible enviar comentarios desde una cuenta de gmail... mmmm bueno, igual felicidades por tu blog.

  2. Hello Raven; I am testing out the comment function on your blog. I want to see if it is posible to post without a gmail account


Thanks for the comment! Really helps :)